Why choose us as your Forex Lawyers ?
Here are some important tips and advices on how to avoid being scammed:
The first advice we can give you is to check where the brokerage is based. Regulations have increased considerably in the last five to ten years, and it has rightly become increasingly expensive to do business in highly regulated countries like the US or the UK.
If you feel that you are being cheated, you should speak to the relevant authorities immediately. As we explained in the Saudi Arabia example, most of the regulations issued have come from customer requests from brokerage firms that have failed, or if customers feel that they have been cheated. Therefore, you can play a role in constantly cleaning the forex market.
Because Forex trading operations have spread widely in Arab countries, finding a quick profit has become a goal for many Arab traders in Forex trading, and for the spread of Forex fraud, as forex broker fraud is one of the most common types of fraud in foreign exchange trading. Forex brokers may present dishonest promises or use aggressive and unethical marketing tactics to try to induce potential investors to transfer money to the broker. Brokers may attempt to raise commissions at a client's expense by executing unnecessary trades or encouraging high-risk investments, or they may arbitrarily move published interest rates in order to trigger stop orders even if other brokers' prices have not already gone to that price.
These fraud schemes often result in brokers making big money while individual investors face big financial losses and bankruptcy.
It can sometimes be difficult to answer the question of whether a Forex broker scam has occurred or not. For example, it is difficult to determine a broker's intent and it is not always clear that the broker acted for the purpose of increasing commissions or enriching himself at the expense of clients. The complexity of forex trading can be beneficial to brokers who are accused of forex trading scams, because brokers do not have to prove that they are innocent of wrongdoing.
Unless the prosecutor can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the intermediary violated the law, a conviction should not be possible in a system in which the burden of proof is on the prosecutor, not the accused.
That is why the official law firm of the international financial regulatory bodies (Arabic Language Department) offers all its clients and all Arab Forex traders the most famous specialized lawyers and experts in Forex cases. While it is sometimes difficult for prosecutors to successfully bring a criminal case when a Forex broker is suspected of fraud, civil lawsuits may be filed in an attempt to impose fines and recover investor funds. The burden of proof is lower in civil cases and although there is no risk of a prison sentence, there is the potential for significant financial damages. Whether you face criminal or civil charges for your involvement in Forex scam it is essential that you have a lawyer who is fighting for you and looking out for your interests!